
1. HPL(High pressur laminates)是一种高科技绿色环保型高密度装饰板材,又称为树脂板、抗倍特板、倍耐板; 

2. 它的芯材由天然木纤维与热固性树脂经高温压层层聚合而成,表面由特殊物质构成的保护层覆盖在色质层上加工而成。 

3. 具有抗紫外线、抗风化、耐磨、耐刻划、耐化学腐蚀、易清洗和防火、防静电、防潮湿等卓越性能。



1. 具有更强的耐腐蚀性,坚固耐用。 

2. 不锈钢的表面处理分为发丝线和亮面两种,发丝线即打磨后的表面呈现出雾状效果,亮面即打磨后表面呈现出光亮的效果。 


HPL (high pressure laminate) is a flat panel, based on thermosetting resins and wood-based fibres. These panels are manufactured under high pressure and at high temperatures. This process ensures that the resins in the core layers of the panel and on the surface bind with each other. The result is a homogenous panel of high density, which is very strong, durable and weatherproof.



All stainless steel products in the OASIQ collection are made of Grade 304 stainless steel. This metal consists of various alloy elements such as iron, nickel and chromium. When exposed to air, a hard chromium-oxide layer is formed that protects the metal against corrosion. Our stainless steel products have been hand brushed to give their surface a satin-like shine that feels very smooth. The result is a corrosion resistant surface that is easy to clean and maintain.